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The focus of Naughty Dog Marketing is Affiliate Marketing. With Affiliate Marketing there is literally something for everyone.

If you're like us and tend to get bored a little too easily, then there's always something different you can try - a hot new trend or a revolutionary new method to adopt.

Our main focus is - the Cost per Action (CPA) model.

This is where an advertiser will pay you for a specific action linked to an ad, for example filling out a form or quick survey.

You'll often see them as banners asking questions. I don't know about you, but everywhere I go these days I seem to spot a banner telling me what Barack Obama's IQ is and asking me to check out if mine is higher than his. That's an example of a CPA offer.

The bit we like is that it doesn't matter whether the visitor buys or not, the advertiser is going to pay us just for directing that person through their doors.

In other words, I can lead the horse to water and let someone else worry about how to make Trigger drink.

The other big 'Yes' for us is that the person doesn't have to whip their credit card out and pause to think about it too much. They're filling in 3 or more fields and supplying their email address. It's way easier than trying to convert someone into a sale. You're basically eliminating the toughest part of the process.

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